Friendly fellow at fountain!

I’m at the drink station at local burger chain (Hint: It was In ‘n Out). I kind of bent the cup on the lemonade trigger, so the lid doesn’t go on smoothly, and I end up spilling the whole drink. There’s no mess since it’s right over the drain, but under my breath I sigh “Ah damn.”

Guy next to me must have heard that. He turns to me and says cheerfully, “Don’t worry! There’s more right here!” Indeed, my friend.

Someone’s in for a bad day…

I’m driving on I-280 southbound out of SF in the far left lane. I’m approaching the exit for I-380, better known as the way to the airport. I’m gaining on a bus to my right. As I pass by the exit and the bus, I read the words “Airport Express” on the side of the vehicle. It still may be going to the airport, but that trip is no longer express.


Woman overheard at coffee shop: “Man wasn’t meant to run on concrete.”

Internal monologue: “Perhaps not. A few other things man wasn’t meant to do: harvest coffee beans or extract stimulants and flavors from them; erect shelters with the express purpose of trading derived coffee bean derived drinks; develop and use fiat currency to simplify the acquisition of coffee drinks; spend waking hours not worried about being consumed by predatory animals. But yeah, running on concrete is weird too.”