Daihatsu Charade (51st St. Oakland)

Jim Dandy and ‘Stache gave me a tip on this one in ‘Stache’s neighborhood. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a Daihatsu in person before, but it seems like the kind of car you would modify. Also, does ‘charade‘ seem like a good name for an automobile? With synonyms like ‘parody,’ ‘lampoon,’ ‘spoof,’ ‘mockery,’ and (my personal favorite) ‘travesty,’ I just don’t think a Charade is what you want to be driving around town.
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Dodge Ram (Downtown Berkeley)

Yet another solid pickup from last Sunday, five total. I pretty much stopped traffic to get the driver side shot. I just noticed that the roof is white, which means that the owner painted it blue for the sea backdrop. I assumed that the vehicle was originally blue. This could actually be a work in progress with all of that empty space, although the simplicity is pretty cool.

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Volvo 1800 (South Berkeley)

Melissa spotted this Volvo on the way home from church the other day. You’ve got your standard hippie-type art on the hood, a fan favorite.

Beaudry and I were speculating on how many Berkeley cars are out there. It seems like there are more than I expected. This is number 42, I have a couple in the queue, and there are still some that I’ve seen but wasn’t able to capture on film. Also, it seems that any time I drive around for a little while in Berkeley, I see multiple new specimen. Could there be more than 100 in the East Bay? Odie says that there are even more in SF. Wow.

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