Toyota RV (Seacliff State Beach)

A couple of quick notes about this stuffed animal laden motorhome:

  • This is the second Berkeley vehicle I’ve acquired with the owner present. The first was a be-starred Vanagon in Berkeley proper.
  • This is the first vehicle spotted by Mel while competing in a triathlon.
  • This is the first vehicle that I’ve been told not to photograph. As I pointed the camera, a woman was walking behind me said, exasperated, “Don’t encourage him.”

[stuffed animal laden Toyota RV]
[stuffed animal laden Toyota RV]
While the sign on the back says, “Just Married,” there only appeared to be one human in the front seat. There was however a puppet that the driver was controlling. I’m sure this is what those Prop 8 supporters were scared of.

Summer Pics!

Zephyr graduated from WHS in June, and Char and I know he’s going to soar like an eagle into the future!
[Char, Zeph, and I at graduation!]

To celebrate Independence Day, Mel and I went to a minor league baseball game and had a great time!
[Mel and I at Kane County]

The Kane County Cougars had a helpful tip for what to do when the game was over!
[Kane County exit]

In other news, I got a haircut (not pictured) that looks like Josie Packard from Twin Peaks!

I hope everyone is having a great summer!